- Country: Canada
- Summary: Psychology Services
- CAT Ref No: 89057627
- Deadline: 02 Oct 2023
- Competition: ICB
- Financier: Self Financed
- Purchaser Ownership: Public
- Tender Value: Refer Document
- Notice Type: Tender
- Document Ref. No.: 21470-27-4320506
- Purchaser's Detail :
P.O Box 1174, 445 Union St West KINGSTON, ONTARIO, K7L4Y8 CANADA
Contracting Authority : Jill Emmons
Phone : (613) 329-2694
Email :jill.emmons@csc-scc.gc.ca
- Description :
- Aftercare Psychological Services Ottawa Area Parole Offices.
This requirement is for: The Correctional Service of Canada, Ottawa Area Parole Offices
Trade agreement: This procurement is not subject to any trade agreement.
Tendering procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid.
Competitive Procurement Strategy: Lowest priced compliant bid.
Set-aside under the Procurement Strategy for Indigenous Business: This procurement is not subject to any set-asides for Indigenous Suppliers.
Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: This procurement is not subject to a Comprehensive Land Claims Agreement.
Security Requirements: This contract includes security requirements.
Nature of Requirements:
The following is a summary of the statement of work for this requirement.
Correctional Service of Canada (CSC), in the Ontario Region has a requirement to provide Aftercare Psychology Services for the Ottawa Area Parole Offices.
This requirement is divided into two Streams, A and B. Bidders may submit a bid for one or more than one Stream.
CSC may award up to two contracts, one for each stream, or any combination thereof.
Bidders submitting a bid for more than one stream must provide a sufficient number of resources to be able to satisfy the requirements for the Streams for which they are submitting a bid.
Objectives: Provide essential and non-essential mental health and/or psychological assessment or psychological risk assessment services to offender...
- Documents :
Tender Notice